Pre Law Student
You know you want to go to law school or at least you are thinking about it. Your friends and family noticed you like to argue, but its really the desire for justice that really drives you. Let’s discuss what a future in law would look like. Book a session here.
Law Student
You took the plunge. You applied to law. You’re doing it. But you feel like like you’re missing out on something that everyone else knows. You want to know the best sources, study tips, and accountability. To discuss your future in law book a session.
Retaking the Bar Exam
You made it through law school but cannot seem to hack the bar exam. You’ve tried the big box study materials, but they do not seem to be working. Leave our coaching call with risk-free strategy that will help reframe the way that you learn and apply material. To discuss your future in law book a session here.
New Lawyer
You just recieved your newly minted bar card in the mail. You are so excited to begin your new associate position, but now what? What are tricks ant tips of the trade that are traditionally gatekept. To discuss your future in law book a session.
You have alway known that your path is different. Whether you are entering law as a second career or have no intention of practicing law, let’s chat about the possibilities a law school education makes available. To discuss your future in law book a session.